Saturday, March 14, 2020

Becoming a Bridesmaid Episode 1 Part 4

Panel 1
Kara: That's the suit.
Jacob: Wow it feels so real. Even the mask looks natural.
Kara: So why don't you try it on? It really does work.
Jacob: F-fine. I just want to test it.
Kara: I'll be here to help.
Jacob: ...sure...but I think I can put on....whatever this is.

Panel 3
Jacob: Guh...does this thing have to be so accurate? I feel like my balls are getting squeezed too hard.
Kara: heh...well we don't want your....manhood showing, right?
Jacob: Well I guess.
Kara: It's a god thing you have a smaller frame too.
Jacob: Yeah...small...

Panel 5

Kara: Make sure you tighten the built-in corset. It'll give you that hourglass figure, and put the water balloons inside the breasts.
Jacob: Wait, corset? Waterballons? AGH they're cold.
Kara: I'm sorry, I thought you would get a little hot in that suit so I left some cold water balloons there.
Jacob: Ugh the corset, it's...too tight. My stomach feels like it's being steamrolled.
Kara: don't worry, you'll get used to it.
Jacob: Wow, this suit's chest has a rack. And why the water balloons? They make it look...too big?
Kara: Well the gel that came with the suit weren't big enough and...well there's no real "reason" why they're bigger. Just, they needed to be bigger.

Part 4 of Becoming a Bridesmaid.The less...risque version is posted on my deviant art. Colored this and I don't like it...not at all. If you guys do, then I'll keep coloring the rest of the parts. Anyway hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Thank you for your support!! ALSO 2 more parts to the finish line. Can't wait for Episode Two!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Auto-Closet: Correcting body anomalies. Please keep calm and do not move Sarah.

Rey: Ugh oh no what, WHAT?!!

Auto-Closet: While I am working on expanding....While I am correcting your body shape, this hair will no do at all. Should we use the usual?

Rey: No Stop, stupid crazy closet! I swear when I get FFFFF- my Butt!! What are you expanding? What are you doing to me?

Auto-Closet: Let me put on your underwear for you. It will just take a quick second.

Rey: No, sta- WHAT I HAVE BOOBS??!?! Don't.....SARAAAAHHHHHH (even I sound like Sarah, what has this stupid thing done to my voice?)

Auto-Closet: Completed. Now, what will you be wearing for today? 

Rey: AHHHHHHHH!!! What is she going to do, what if she sees me like this....I can't go out like THIS!!

Auto-Closet: Going out. I see, I have just the right outfit, Sarah.

I don't draw dicks
But when I do, it's female.

And here's the next part to an adventurous series. The rest wll be uploaded to deviant art and I'll finish this off in two or three pages. It was fun working wiht this, but I do not plan to work on all of sapphirefoxx's ideas. Most of them are uninteresting. Anyway it's his ideas, not mine, so if you want to go check out his stuff, I am not affiliated nor am I working for him. So do it at your own leisure. 

I do plan on making my own skinsuit stories soon and some other stories, as well as draw them, so come back here and on deviantart when you. 

And if your'e feeling a bit generous, you can leave a tip in the patreon jar. There is no need for you to tip at all, as views and favorites get me through, but I do want to make this more my full time hobby or job so I can bring better content and show a better story down the road.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Hello Hello this is Ridley aka TheBrokenOven aka FollowtheShadows (temp name) form deviantart. I'll be posting random sketches and NSFW of my works here for all to see. Well most NSFW from works posted because I am still keeping artwork I do free. Anyway fell free to look around. And enjoy your stay.